It provides information about the concentration of substances that are usually absent or only present in low quantities in the urine, which can therefore indicate possible metabolic dysfunctions and infections of the uro-genital tract, so that an evaluation of the correct functioning of carbohydrate metabolism can be obtained.
An integral part of this check-up is to do research on unhealthy lifestyles (unbalanced diet and lack of physical activity) that are associated with a genetic predisposition (cases in the family) that causes the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area by inducing a combination of risk factors.
The test is completely painless and risk-free, and is carried out exclusively by requesting a sample of the person’s first morning urine (important: no later than four hours, for good results).
• Glucose
• Proteins
• Bilirubin
• PH
• Urobilinogen
• Ketones
• Ascorbic acid
• Erythrocytes
• Nitrites
• Leukocytes
• Specific weight